Friday, May 20, 2005

Thug o' the day

Help keep Billy Drinkwater out of prison! Buy your drugs from someone else.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Now reading

The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord (1967).

Quote of the day:
"Spectacular technology has not dispelled the religious clouds where men had placed their own powers detached from themselves; it has only tied them to an earthly base. The most earthly life thus becomes opaque and unbreathable. It no longer projects into the sky but shelters within itself its absolute denial, its fallacious paradise. The spectacle is the technical realization of the exile of human powers into a beyond; it is separation perfected within the interior of man."

A quick search has discovered a full-text project of the Situationist International and another site with the text of Society of the Spectacle.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Patrick McCullough and Oakland's least photogenic

So much to see!
Ugly mugs:

The latest tagging fashions! (Captions care of the NOPD)

"The "dripping" neon green is something new and distinctive."

and there's "an example of 'etching' on glass"

America's famous new real Dirty Harry (some say Bernie Getz), Patrick McCullough gets his own local PR campaign.

Some (scroll down to April 13th) call it harrassment. I'll leave it to the experts.

Screenshots for posterity coming soon.